Landing gear acts as the interface between an airplane and the ground, supporting its weight, absorbing the impact of landing, and providing stable ground handling. In modern aviation, different types of landing gear configurations have been developed to cater to the specific requirements of various aircraft designs, and among these, retractable and semi-retractable landing gear stand out as notable choices. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the differences between retractable and semi-retractable versions, comparing their benefits and drawbacks.
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In modern aviation, the safety of fighter pilots is a vital concern. High-speed maneuvers, complex missions, and the ever-present risk of hostile engagements demand that fighter pilots have access to the most advanced escape systems available. In this blog, we will explore how ejection seats have significantly advanced since their inception by incorporating cutting-edge technology to ensure pilots can safely escape from their aircraft in emergencies.
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In the vast and complex realm of aviation, effective communication is needed to ensure the safety and efficiency of flight operations. Pilots, air traffic controllers, ground crew, and other stakeholders rely on various methods to convey crucial information. In this exploration, we will go over five distinct communication methods integral to the aviation industry.
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As a vital element to aircraft operations, the electrical system ensures the proper functioning of numerous onboard systems and assemblies. Among these, the aircraft alternator in particular plays a crucial role in not only generating electrical power, but also charging the battery. However, like any other mechanical device, these complex apparatuses are prone to occasional issues. In this blog, we will explore the common problems of aircraft alternators, as well as provide troubleshooting tips to help identify and effectively resolve these impediments.
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Designed to securely hold objects together during various tasks and projects, clamps are versatile tools that play a crucial role in various industries and applications. From woodworking to metalworking, construction, automotive repairs, and more, clamps are indispensable for achieving precision, stability, and efficiency. In this article, we will explore the different types and applications of clamps, ensuring that you find the right one that suits your particular demands.
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While aircraft construction has been the result of more than a century of thorough research and experimentation, accidents and malfunctions still happen. When they do, backup devices such as the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and Ram Air Turbine (RAT) are able to take the lead so that the plane can safely complete its flight. RATs are an important device to get to know if you happen to own or operate a turbo fan engine powered aircraft. As the third line of defense in case of power loss, this device uses a turbine and surrounding air currents to keep the engine running, even when fuel has run out. Already having been used to successfully bring passengers and crew to safety during historical events like the “Miracle on the Hudson,” RATs are critical safety devices that have become standard on most turbine-powered airplanes.
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There exists many options to access the internet, including using a coaxial (TV) cable, fiber-optic cables, satellite internet, and DSL. The digital subscriber line (DSL) is a way to access the internet over a copper wire telecommunication line; this method accesses broadband and cable internet which is one of the most common forms of ISP providing internet access to customers. DSL connections offer faster download and upload speeds (5 to 35 Mbps) than most analog and digital modems (1 to 10 Mbps). As such, the main purpose of a DSL connection is to provide high-speed internet transfers, and to do this, splitters or DSL filters are used. To learn more about DSLs, be sure to read this blog post.
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Valve covers are essential components in automobiles that keep oil from leaking out of the upper part of the engine. As such, one of the most common causes of automobile oil leaks are faulty valve covers. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how to spot a bad valve cover, as well as know a good source to rely on when you require replacement parts. In this article, we will be discussing this, and more, so that you may have a deeper understanding of valve covers and their use in modern vehicles.
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When you are working with a stem-actuated control valve, you will require a seal that allows motion of the stem while also preventing processed fluids from leakaging between the steam and body of the valve. One popular device for such an application is a bellows seal valve, that of which is an accordion-like metal tube fastened to the valve stem and bonnet. As such, your valve will not allow for any fugitive emissions,” or any unwanted escape of substances, into the surrounding environment. With its unique design and applications across many industries, a bellows seal could be exactly what you require for your operations. For your better knowledge, this blog will explore the working principle of a bellows seal valve.
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There are a number of viscous fluids coursing through an automobile, whether they are used for cooling, lubrication, or both. Most engines like internal combustion engines are only about 33% efficient, meaning that the remaining 67% is generally wasted through heat energy and noise, all of which dissipate into the surrounding area through some means. With the amount of moving parts transferring an unprecedented amount of friction, oil serves as one of the most important fluids in a car.
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Advances in network technology have enabled a new generation of connectivity, commerce, and workflow optimization. These solutions are supported by an ecosystem of networking devices, the core of which is the router. Originally invented as a DARPA prototype to support local networks, the router has become an integral part of networking at every level, from corporations to the consumer. In order to gain a better understanding of global communications and networking, it is beneficial to be familiar with how routers work and what variants exist in the commercial domain. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about routing devices and how they are classified.
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While the function of piston rings is obvious, that being cylinder sealing and oil control, another central function is carrying heat from the piston to the cylinder wall through direct contact. Since piston rings are made thinner for friction reduction, efficiency, and more power, heat transfer between the piston and cylinder walls has become more critical and more difficult on pistons. For high-performance engines, piston ring selection is particularly important and depends on how your engine will be used.
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Landing gear is the undercarriage of aircraft that allows pilots to takeoff, taxi, and land with ease. It is designed to absorb and dissipate the kinetic energy of landing impact; thus, reducing the impact loads imposed on the airframe. On small aircraft, landing gear consists of three wheels, two of which are on either side of the fuselage and one is positioned at the front or rear of the aircraft.
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Memory cards serve to store all your critical data and even precious memories so that you may retrieve them at a later time. There are many different types of memory cards, those of which depend on the device at hand. For example, cameras in particular have a wide range of memory card types, those of which vary based on the storage capacity, size, and physical shape of the card. Some manufacturers like Canon prefer CompactFlash (CF) memory cards while others opt for smaller Secure Digital (SD) types.
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An electrical fuse is a device which is used to counter current overload in a circuit by interrupting the current flow and creating an open circuit condition. It essentially acts as a self-sacrificial disruptor to stop the flow of excessive current and the damage it may cause, such as overheating and sparking.
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Computer memory is an electronic device that stores data for quick access. We cannot store or save any information without memory in the computer, and the system would not function properly. You will also find the use of an operating system, hardware, and software packages in a computer as well.
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As aerospace engineers look for innovative solutions to reduce component weight while advancing technology, the use of fiber optic systems has recently gained traction. While the lightweight, high bandwidth cable system has been used on various military aircraft since the 1980s, only recently has fiber optic cabling replaced copper wires in domains such as avionics and in-flight entertainment systems. In this blog, we will discuss the history and current usage of fiber optics in aviation and diagnostic testing techniques for such systems.
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Aircraft powerplants, more commonly referred to as engines, are the apparatuses that burn fuel-and-air mixtures for the means of creating the energy necessary for sustaining heavier-than-air flight. While aircraft come in numerous shapes and sizes to accommodate commercial, defense, private, and scientific operations, all take advantage of two main types of powerplants. These include reciprocating engines and turboprop engines, and understanding the difference between each is important when deciding on powerplant solutions for your aviation needs.
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Resistors are commonplace components in a wide range of electronics, serving to implement electrical resistance as a means of managing current flow, adjusting signal levels, terminating transmission lines, and much more. Film type resistors in particular are those that are manufactured through the deposition of pure metals or oxide film onto an insulating ceramic or substrate, and carbon film and metal film resistor are two primary variations. While belonging to the same general category of resistors, each type differs in its construction and capabilities, allowing them to benefit different applications. In this blog, we will provide a brief overview of both resistor types, allowing you to have a better understanding of their advantages, applications, and more.
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When an aircraft lands on a runway or ground surface, it relies on its landing wheels and gear to sufficiently withstand the load and force transmitted from the airframe. As many commercial aircraft may reach upwards of 500-tons in weight, travel at speeds ranging up to 170+ MPH, face fluctuating temperature extremes, and generate intense heat while braking, the landing wheels are designed with robustness and advanced technologies. In this blog, we will discuss the landing wheels and landing wheel bearings found on aircraft, allowing you to better understand their functionality and importance.
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Across the body of a typical commercial airliner, one may find various antennas spread out in different locations. Each of these antennas serves a specific role in standard flight operations, some implemented for the means of communication while others are for navigation. To help you better understand the various features of aircraft, we will provide a brief overview of common antenna types.
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As aircraft continue to implement more advanced technologies that are reliant on electric power, an increased amount of electrical system components are required to facilitate standard operations. Various types of wires are used to relay current around the aircraft, powering all components and devices. It is important that all wiring is amply maintained and managed over time to ensure proper functionality and hazard prevention. In this blog, we will discuss the wiring of aircraft, allowing you to better understand how aircraft electrical systems are capable of maintaining functionality throughout flight.
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Bearings are common machine elements that are present within countless systems and assemblies, facilitating motion for the means of reducing the friction generated between moving parts. Ball bearings in particular are a type of rolling-element bearing, taking advantage of balls placed between bearing races to further their rotational friction mitigation. In this blog, we will discuss the functionality and design of ball bearings, allowing you to best understand how and why they are used within various applications and settings.
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Flight control and aerodynamic surfaces are devices that allow for a pilot to manage and maintain the flight dynamics of an aircraft, consisting of numerous controls and structures that are spread across the fuselage, wings, and tail. Aircraft stabilizers in particular are a specific type of aerodynamic surface, allowing for a pilot to balance their pitch and yaw based on the design and implementation of such structures. The horizontal and vertical stabilizer are the two common stabilizers of aircraft, both of which are typically found at the rear end of the vehicle. While serving similar roles in attitude control, it is important to understand the differences between horizontal and vertical stabilizers so that they may correctly be used and maintained.
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When an aircraft is parked outside of a gate or hanger, it is important that it has proper protection from the forces of wind and gusts. Without a means to lock the aircraft in place and secure flight surfaces, random movements of wind, jet blasts, or propeller wash can cause damage or even move a light aircraft. Many flaps, slats, and other control surfaces are designed to be constrained to specific ranges of deployment, and wind blasts can cause them to overextend and become either damaged or disconnected. To ensure that an aircraft is sufficiently protected from such hazards, components known as flight control locks should always be used.
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The aircraft electrical system is crucial for flight operations, ensuring the functionality of electronic flight displays, radio systems, lights, and other powered hardware used by crew members and passengers alike. The power provided to the aircraft electrical system is made possible through a number of devices, those including alternators, generators, and APUs. Alternators in particular are very advantageous for aviation applications, due in part to their performance characteristics and power-to-weight ratios. As alternator aircraft engine assemblies are quite common, understanding their functionality and use is important for anyone who may utilize such equipment.
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Fasteners are common assembly parts that may be used to mechanically join two or more components together. With a variety of fastener types available, a number of attachments can be made to accommodate varying assemblies and requirements. Within the realm of aviation in particular, fasteners are constructed with high quality and optimal strength attributes to assist in aircraft construction and repair. On a single Boeing 747-800 alone, half of the 6,000,000 parts used for assembly are fasteners. With the grand importance that such hardware serves for aviation applications, understanding the more common types and materials used can benefit those who work on or with aircraft.
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Within the engine of an aircraft, fuel and air mixtures are regularly combusted to create thrust for the means of propulsion generation and driving systems. As a rotary screw or reciprocating air compressor conducts its operations, water vapor is an unwanted byproduct that is produced as a result. As vapor condenses into liquid and begins collecting within the tank, damage to the compressor can result and possibly lead to high amounts of maintenance or replacement. Due to the hazards presented by liquids, manufacturers specifically design such assemblies with a component known as a drain valve which ensures the removal of collected water vapor.
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While welding has already been a primary method of assembling aircraft structures for many years, the continous introduction and improvement of various methods has greatly increased the quality and efficiency of assemblies to benefit modern aircraft. By utilizing arc welding, fiber laser welding, linear friction welding, and more, manufacturers can create robust attachments that can withstand the many forces and loads faced during flight. In this blog, we will discuss some of the primary types of welding used for aircraft, allowing you to best understand how certain assemblies are formed.
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As humans, we are highly dependent upon oxygen in order to carry out our normal functions and maintain consciousness. As one increases their position in altitude, the amount of air pressure decreases as well which results in less amounts of oxygen that one can absorb while breathing. At the heights at which aircraft typically operate at, humans would not be able to maintain consciousness long due to a lack of oxygen. Despite this, most passengers are never faced with much discomfort during a typical flight. This is due to the use of oxygen systems within pressurized and non-pressurized aircraft, those of which maintain a comfortable environment by supplying breathable air.
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Since the first Wright brother’s aircraft and the advent of modern aviation, engineers have worked tirelessly to improve the efficiency and safety of flight. From robust engines to complex electrical systems, many new capabilities have become standard for the benefit of pilots. While many may be knowledgeable about such major technologies that have come about over the years, others often overlook the smaller bodily components that have improved over time for increased efficiency. In this blog, we will discuss the vertical and horizontal stabilizer, allowing you to better be aware of their various included components and functionalities.
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When operating with electronics or setting up an ,electrical circuit it is paramount that there are protective measures put in place in order to ensure the well-being of sensitive electronics and the safety of those around them. Circuit breakers are one of the most essential safety mechanisms for buildings and their electrical circuits, ensuring that excessive current is restricted to prevent fires, equipment failures, and shock. In this blog, we will discuss what circuit breakers are, how they protect electrical systems, and a few of the common types that are available on the market.
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While there are many different types of aircraft, used in many different applications, all generally have the same basic components. These are the fuselage, wings, empennage, landing gear, and powerplant. Each of these parts has a critical role in the operation of an aircraft as a whole. This blog will explain each component, its unique characteristics, and how it operates.
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In the event that you've flown on a plane or even gazed toward one in the dark sky, you've most likely seen that the plane is outfitted with various brilliant lights. In case you're the more contemplative type, you may have even noticed that planes streak various arrangements of lights during landing and departure. So what is the purpose behind these airplane lights andtheir meaning? Read on below to see the reasons why these outside airplane lights were set up, the types of aircraft lights available and how they help with flight activities.
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In the modern day of aviation, a multitude of aircraft are reliant on turbine engines for achieving heavier than air flight. Through the compression and combustion of fuel and air mixtures, high amounts of thrust can be produced even at high altitudes where oxygen levels are lower than that of sea level. This ability to produce high levels of thrust and propulsion by turbine engines is due in part to their compressors, which require precise and advanced engineering to optimally operate.
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Aircraft instruments are devices that provide a great amount of flight pertinent information for the pilot to safely fly. While many instruments may convey information such as spent fuel and current altitude, there are also many instruments that are used for measuring and indicating the mechanical movement of components, instruments, or the aircraft as a whole. These instruments may vary in what components that they measure, and this information can be very useful for a pilot during flight operations. In this blog, we will discuss some of the main aircraft mechanical movement indication instruments, such as tachometers, the synchroscope, accelerometers, and stall warning and angle of attack (AOA) indicators.
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As technology and aircraft continue to advance, analog modems and mechanical components are rapidly being replaced with state of the art electronic hardware. As an increasing number of aircraft parts now rely on electricity, having an efficient and operational electric powering system is a critical need. While these systems can be fairly complex, being aware of some of the basic components can go a long way in understanding the functionality and operations of various systems. In this blog, we will discuss some of the base electrical system components within an aircraft, including switches, solenoids, relays, fuses, and circuit breakers.
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Starters for gas turbine aircraft systems are most often either direct cranking electrical systems or starter generator systems. These two types are most commonly used for gas powered engines and utilize magnets or direct current electric motors to start the aircraft engine. Understanding the differences between the two types and how they function can help you decide which the best system for your aircraft is.
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When utilizing an engine, there always has to be some system in place that can light the fuel. Over the last hundred or so years, magneto systems have served as a reliable method of igniting fuel for small aircraft and/or those with piston engines. Magnetos have many wide applications such as serving lawnmowers, chainsaws, and even certain vehicles. Magnetos are an electrical generator that has the ability to create a pulse of high voltage for spark plugs to produce ignition. In this blog, we will discuss how magnetos work in regards to aircraft.
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Although complex autopilot is a somewhat new and developing technology within the automotive industry, it may be surprising to some that this technology has existed in the realm of aviation for over 100 years. Although it has also taken much time to develop and continues to do so, the aircraft autopilot control system is a highly accurate and complex system and serves to ensure that flights are smooth, efficient, and safe. When flying, pilots have many jobs that they have to juggle from navigation, communication, responding to changes in weather, and even rerouting when unexpected conditions present themselves. With a smart computerized system like autopilot, pilots can have extra help to focus on what is most important in that moment.
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An aircraft’s wings are some of the most important design considerations, with their shape and size affecting virtually every aspect of the aircraft’s performance. The wing configuration describes the arrangement and design of an aircraft’s lifting and lift-related surfaces. There are numerous terms and classifications used to describe configurations, with many different designs experimented with over the years. Most aircraft, however, come in one of several different common configurations.
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There are thousands of parts that go into assembling a helicopter. There is the stabilizer bar which is used to help stabilize the rotary blades. There is also the tail fin which helps the pilot to steer the aircraft, as well as the landing skids which enables the aircraft to make a safe landing, and so on. While each part plays an important function, this outline will exclusively cover the parts of the helicopter which impact the most crucial flying aspect of the vessel.
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A helicopter shares some similarities with an airplane in that it follows the same principles of flight in order to take up off the ground. But the manner in which the helicopter achieves and implements this is vastly different. This aircraft is able to maneuver quickly back and forth because of the way that the helicopter interior parts implement the principles of flight. Below are a few descriptions of helicopters parts and the functions that they serve.
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In an electrical system, a switch is used to interrupt or direct the flow of current. All electrical appliances operate through switches, which are used to turn devices on and off. With so many switches available for so many different purposes, it is important to understand their distinctions and unique aspects. In this blog, we will break down the various types of electrical switches commonly used in household and office applications, as well as accessories that frequently accompany them.
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The definition of a fixed-wing aircraft is an airplane or aeroplane that is capable of flight using wings and lift force caused by aircraft speed and wing shape. The concept comes from a kite, where the wings allow it to glide through the air.
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Adhering to proper maintenance practices is of utmost importance in the aerospace industry. No aircraft is so tolerant of neglect that it is exempt from deterioration in the absence of inspection and maintenance programs, including the H-60 Black Hawk helicopter. Corrosion, wear and tear, natural fatigue, and chance failures all contribute to the overall functioning and safety of this aircraft. Proper maintenance isn’t only about replacing a damaged part; it is about the repeated proactive actions required for restoring or maintaining your helicopter. Common components that need to be replaced in these aircraft include rotor systems, avionics, fuselage panels, and turbine lines/hoses/connections.
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At one point or another, you may have confused a capacitor for a battery. They are similar in size, shape, and function; however, the applications in which they are used distinguish them from one another. A capacitor is an electronic device that is capable of storing energy in the form of an electric charge. The amount of energy it can store is 10,000 times smaller than that of a battery, but it still contributes to the overall success of circuit designs. Let’s take an in depth look at how capacitors are created, as well as how they function.
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Composite materials are one of the most exciting components to be utilized in aircraft interiors over the last decade. For example, since their incorporation into airframe design, composites have grown to make up 33% of overall materials used in the airframe alone. The aerospace industry is expected to increase the demand for composite materials in various aircraft components by more than 200% in the coming years.
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If you’re new to aerospace and aviation, it can be a little difficult to try and figure out what all the terms mean, the nuanced differences, how they work, etc. A good example of new terms you may have heard is “turbonormalizing”. If you’re familiar with cars, then “turbocharging” might be familiar, but there’s no concept of “turbonormalizing” in the automotive industry.
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Cleanliness is a virtue. But, in aviation, cleanliness is a must. So, it’s important to follow a strict and regular cleaning maintenance cycle. As rotatable parts follow maintenance cycles, cleaning the aircraft should follow the suit. And, the best place to start is your aircraft manufacturer manual. It’s important to consult your manual because you need to make sure that there won’t be subsequent damage to your aircraft. Certain materials don’t work with certain cleaning solutions and methods, so consulting your manual will prevent you from causing irreparable damage. Your manual will also include a list of recommended cleaning solutions and cleaning schedule.
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